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Double Beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer SP-LUV1910, 1920

  • Double Beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer SP-LUV1910, 1920
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    UV-Vis Spectrophotometer SP-LUV1910, SP-LUV-1920:

    1. Spectral bandwidth: The spectral bandwidth of the instrument is 1nm / 2nm, which ensures excellent spectral resolution and accuracy required for analysis.
    2. Ultra-low stray light: excellent C-T monochromator optical system, advanced electronic system, to ensure ultra-low stray light level better than 0.03%, to meet the user’s measurement needs of high absorbance samples.
    3. High-quality devices: The core devices are made of high-quality imported parts to ensure the stability and longevity of the instrument. For example, the core light source device is derived from the long-life deuterium lamp of Hamamatsu in Japan, which guarantees a working life of more than 2000 hours, greatly reducing the maintenance frequency and cost of daily replacement of the light source of the instrument.
    4. Long-term stability and reliability: The design of the optical dual-beam optical system, coupled with real-time digital proportional feedback signal processing, effectively offsets the signal drift of light sources and other devices, ensuring the long-term stability of the instrument baseline.
    5. High wavelength accuracy: The high-level wavelength scanning mechanical system ensures the accuracy of wavelengths better than 0.3nm and the repeatability of wavelengths better than 0.1nm. The instrument uses the built-in spectral characteristic wavelengths to automatically perform wavelength detection and correction to ensure long-term wavelength accuracy stability.
    6. Light source replacement is convenient: the instrument can be replaced without removing the shell. The light source switching mirror supports the function of automatically finding the best position. The in-line deuterium tungsten lamp design does not require optical debugging when replacing the light source.
    7. Instrument is rich in functions: The instrument is equipped with a 7-inch large-screen color touch LCD screen, which can perform wavelength scanning, time scanning, multi-wavelength analysis, quantitative analysis, etc., and supports the storage of methods and data files. View and print the map. Easy to use, flexible and efficient.
    8. Powerful PC software: the instrument is connected to the computer via USB. The online software supports multiple functions such as wavelength scanning, time scanning, kinetic testing, quantitative analysis, multi-wavelength analysis, DNA / RNA analysis, instrument calibration, and performance verification. Supportauthority management, operation traceability, and meet various requirements in different analysis fields such as pharmaceutical companies.


    Model SP-LUV1910/SP-LUV1920
    Optical system Optical double beam system
    Monochromator system Czerny-Turner monochromator
    Grating 1200 lines / mm high-quality holographic grating
    Wavelength range 190nm~1100nm
    Spectral bandwidth 1nm(SP-LUV1910) / 2nm(SP-LUV1920)
    Wavelength accuracy ±0.3nm
    Wavelength reproducibility ≤0.1nm
    Photometric accuracy ±0.002Abs(0~0.5Abs)、±0.004Abs(0.5~1.0Abs)、±0.3%T(0~100%T)
    Photometric reproducibility ≤0.001Abs(0~0.5Abs)、≤0.002Abs(0.5~1.0Abs)、≤0.1%T(0~100%T)
    Stray light ≤0.03%(220nm,NaI;360nm,NaNO2)
    Noise ≤0.1%T(100%T),≤0.05%T(0%T) ,≤±0.0005A/h(500nm,0Abs,2nm bandwidth)
    Baseline flatness ±0.0008A
    Baseline noise ±0.1%T
    Baseline stability ≤0.0005Abs/h
    Modes T/A/Energy
    Data range -0.00~200.0(%T)   -4.0~4.0(A)
    Scan speed High / medium / low / very low
    WL scan interval 0.05/0.1/0.2/0.5/1/2 nm
    Light source Japan Hamamatsu long-life deuterium lamp, imported long-life halogen tungsten lamp
    Detector Photocell
    Display 7-inch large-screen color touch LCD screen
    Interface USB-A/USB-B
    Power AC90V~250V,  50H/ 60Hz
    Dimension 600×470×220mm
    Weight 18Kg
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