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DEPC Treated Water, Autoclaved

  • DEPC Treated Water, Autoclaved
  • 商品資訊

    for RNA experiment, Toxic Free!


    DEPC is effective as a nuclease inhibitor. It reacts with many enzymes containing -NH, -SH or -OH groups in their active sites. Typically a 0.1% solution (v/v) is used to inactive RNase (one milliliter of DEPC is added to 1 liter of water). It inactivates RNase thus protecting RNA against degradation.

    The DEPC will not immediately dissolve, as evidenced by the appearance of globules. The mixture should be stirred until the globules disappear. The DEPC hydrolyzes over time to form ethanol and carbon dioxide.  At this time the solution may be autoclaved to destroy the DEPC.

    包裝規格: 500G


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