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GenFast Taq DNA Polymerase

  • GenFast Taq DNA Polymerase
  • GenFast Taq DNA Polymerase
  • 商品資訊


    GenFast Taq DNA polymerase is an gene modified enzyme by GenTaq DNA polymerase. It lacks 3‘ to 5‘ proofreading activity but possesses a 5‘ to 3′ exonuclease activity in the same polypeptide as the DNA polymerase. It provides more fast speed than conventional Taq DNA polymerase under conventional PCR conditions. In optimized PCR, the GenFast Taq DNA Polymerase can amplified 1kb DNA in 10~30 secand the limit of DNA amplification is ~15kb, the PCR products have 3’ A overhand and direct clone into TA vector.





    GenFast Taq DNA Polymerase

    GM008F-200 (5 U/μl)

    200 U

    GenFast Taq DNA Polymerase

    GM008F-1000 (5 U/μl)

    1000 U


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