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2X Ready to Load PCR Master Mix

  • 2X Ready to Load PCR Master Mix
  • 商品資訊


    For amplification of DNA fragments by PCR, label the DNA fragment with radioactive isotope, biotin etc.


     2X Ready to Load PCR Master Mix  is a premixed, ready-to-use solution containing 0.1U/uL Taq DNA Polymerase, 0.4mM dNTP, 3mM MgSO4and reaction buffer at optimal concentration for efficient amplification of DNA template by PCR. After the PCR reaction, the PCR product can be loaded directly onto an agarose gel. There is no need to add a loading buffer/tracking dye prior to electrophoresis.

    In PCR amplification, please use 10uL of 2X Ready to Load PCR Master Mix which is completely dissolved and 20ng-0.4ug template DNA per 20uL PCR reaction. Make the primer terminal concentration 0.5-1uM. Add ddH2O to make the total volume 20uL. Mixing is requested before the reaction.


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