首頁 > 產品介紹 > 1kb Plus DNA Ladder, 72µg (100 bp~10,000 bp)

1kb Plus DNA Ladder, 72µg (100 bp~10,000 bp)

  • 1kb Plus DNA Ladder, 72µg (100 bp~10,000 bp)
  • 商品資訊


    DNA markers are all obtained through enzyme-cutting plasmids. The Marker background of this process is clean, with clear bands, stable quality and can achieve accurate quantification of Marker. Product contains two dyes (cyan dye and yellow dye). The migration rate of electrophoresis can be determined by color changes. Cyan dyes had the same migration rate as 3-5 kb in 1% agarose gel. The migration rate of yellow dye is about the same as that of 50 bp band. The progress of electrophoresis can be directly observed by naked eye. It is easy to use and the electrophoretic image is clear.




    72 µg/ 500 µl


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